Tuesday, March 8

my new attempt at creating a project

i think i mentioned before that during my entire life and vast life experience and infinite wisdom (etcaetera, etcaetera) i have started a few dozens software projects, big or small, cute and ugly, that would do various things, only to abandon them a month, or a week, or 15 days after starting;

at some point i realized that it was because i was writing no specs; later, say ... two days later, i would remember what i wanted when starting, but came with different ideas on how to accomplish it; or slightly different set of features;

in a few weeks that would turn into half written functions and structures and classes, having methods to implement this or that, only for me to realize that something was entirely not there, half of it needing a complete rewrite, and half being obsolete (that was the result of my jumping into code-attitude).

well ... not anymore!

this time, i started with a nice, long functional spec, thirty pages long! (with nice diagrams of mock-up screens; and imaginary friends).

at the moment, i'm looking into breaking it up to smaller chunks (like ... class-sized smaller chunks, the size where you could write one every day :) ); i settled for nice free UML tool for doing this, and it's going great for now.

poseidon UML is written in java and thus, very-very slow (like "do ALT-TAB, get blank screen, wait 6 seconds, and get a drawn screen" kind of slow). but that's ok (i mean it's free and really really easy to use, with a good, nice, intuitive interface that even i am able to use).

i'll post an update when anything happens with my little project ( like me abandoning it for example :) ); deep inside i'm convinced that the world needs to know about these things.

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