Monday, February 7

the disclaimer

i realized this morning that i wrote a lot of ramblings and of profound stuff (well ... more or less) and i have neither a disclaimer, nor a copyright note for my site. this means people could sue me or steal my ideas and get rich with them instead of me. or ... someting like that. that's if we completely ignore the time when i'll be rich and famous ... and these words will be worth a lot ...

right ... so, without further ado, here's the disclaimer:
everything on this website is my idea (or not) and any relationship or resemblance to reality is either accidental (and maybe filtered through a thin layer of ethanol; you'll never know) or - most probably - not.
so, take this site very seriously and live by it; it will improve your life; and solve all your problems (and if it does, send me money for it);
if you are an editor, write a book with it, then contact me for publication rights, or just pay yourself the expenses and send me the profit.
so, considering all of the above, don't take me too seriously and don't sue me.

my ideas are just that: my ideas; so feel free to not agree with them; i know i don't; infact when i wrote them i wasn't agreing to them; because i could have adopted another atitude and wrote something else, equaly truthful (unless it wasn't) but contradicting what i wrote;

well ... the disclaimer went rather well ...

so here's the copyright note:

My teaching, if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You are free to reproduce, distribute, interpret, misinterpret, distort, garble, do what you like, even claim authorship, without my consent or the permission of anybody.

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