As they do that, god (the god in their minds) looses any potential for being a discovery in their lives, a presence (I'm not talking about the subjectivity of such an experience here), and becomes an invention.
Either way, for those people specifically , I have a little kung'an important question:
If God is almighty, can He create a stone so big, that not even God Himself can move it?
I didn't think of this myself, I found it somewhere, thought it funny and figured I'd share :)
sofism... SOFIIIISM... :)
un obiect apartinand unei anumite logici (Dumnezeu) este folosit intr-o logica total diferita (logica lui "mai mare - mai mic", "poate - nu poate"). in logica divina nu exista conceptul de limita. prin urmare, e din start absurd sa pui problema in termeni de "Dumnezeu poate" si "... sa nu poata sa..."
btw... mi-am uitat cumva ochelarii de soare la tine in ghiozdan? si vreau si numarul de la yamaha, daca il ai, sa intreb cat costa un disc de frana.
Deci ... nu poate? :o)
Stiu ca e absurd ... dar intrebarea e totusi amuzanta :)
... si sunt la mine ochelarii tai.
Nu am numarul de la Yamaha (nu stiu ce oi fi facut cu el) dar sediul e chiar in spatele cladirii unde lucrezi tu, la 200 de metri - la reprezentata Mazda.
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