Monday, November 21

random impressions

it seems as of late i've taken to only post on mondays ...
well ... almost.

i spent yet another weekend at home, closed in my room with lots of sleeping and reading; for whatever reason i slept very sporradically friday and saturday night, and was tired for the whole weekend.

what else?

friday, around 5 PM the winter arrived in limassol: we had a major storm with ice falling; when it started I was in the bathroom, with a window opened and it was preety exciting (darkness outside, charged air and thunder and lightning everywhere).

i bought a small blue booklet about zen; i hoped it will help me understand what exactly zen IS.

no such luck: i still have no idea what zen is, but apparently that's ok - when you find out, you are lost;

then, i started practicing the art of being utnapistim in the spirit of zen (in layman terms, i cleaned my room a bit).

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