Thursday, June 9

dive at ghar lapsi

thursday, 09 JUN 2005, 0937

yesterday evening i dived at ghar lapsi. i wouldn't write a whole post on that, but the dive was spectacular;

we were five divers (and only four went in - one was cold :( ); the water entry was made in a natural pool, and from there, we entered a cave, traversed it and got out in the sea.

the cave had lots of holes, letting in some light; usually you looked up, and saw all kinds of light patches in the rock; and some parts of the cave had natural lighting because of this;

and we had lights (that was fun!);

on the bad side were two things: first, once we got out in the open we got a strong current, which made us turn earlyer than i'd have wanted (we were supposed to look for a second cave entrance); also, the cave was a bit narrow at times so ... what can i say? thank heavens i have a strong head! :)

on the good side were:
the fish;
and playing with the lights;
and the inside air-pocket we found: going through a tunnel, we came upon a way up, ending half a meter about the water level; it was pitch-black!

what i found out during this dive:
i'm definitely NOT prepared for cave diving; (at some point i started fiddling with my camera controls, only to realize afterwards that i had dropped my light in the water)
it's very easy to get entangled in narrow places;
lights should be secured to your suit (especially if you're bozo enough to just drop them to fix your camera settings!)
HID lights rock!
DIR setup looks cool, and seemed much more adapted to the environment than my setup;
i have a long way to go;

dive data:
max depth: 15m (we reached 12)
visibility: 10-12m
water temperature: 18-19 Celsius

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