Camera: NIKON D50
Timestamp: Sat Apr 28 18:37:48 2007
Shutter: 1/250 s
Aperture: F5.6
ISO speed: 200
Focal length: 70.0 mm
Focal length in 35mm equivalent: 105.0 mm
Lens: 70-300mm F4-5.6
Processing: Picassa 2
A second candidate for most extreme act of Mideast international terrorism in the peak year of 1985 is a car-bombing in Beirut on March 8 that killed 80 people and wounded 256. The bomb was placed outside a Mosque, timed to explode when worshippers left. "About 250 girls and women in flowing black chadors, pouring out of Friday prayers at the Imam Rida Mosque, took the brunt of the blast," Nora Boustany reported. The bomb also "burned babies in their beds," killed children "as they walked home from the mosque," and "devastated the main street of the densely populated" West Beirut suburb. The target was a Shi'ite leader accused of complicity in terrorism, but he escaped. The crime was organized by the CIA and its Saudi clients with the assistance of British intelligence. NOTE{Boustany, _Washington Post Weekly_, March 14, 1988; Bob Woodward, _Veil_ (Simon & Schuster, 1987, 396f.).}
From: <manager a>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 4:56 PM
To: <utnapistim>
Cc: <manager b>; <manager c>
Subject: RE: request for holiday
Approved - me and <manager c> both.
<manager a>
From: <utnapistim>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 4:52 PM
To: <manager a>
Cc: <manager b>
Subject: request for holiday
I am planning on taking home-leave from 3rd of September to the 28th of September.
I also want to take one free day on the 29th of May.
Please approve.
Programming Sr. SME within Mr. Project
+357 (25) XXxXXXX (desk)
+357 (99) XXX XXX (mobile)
+357 (25) XXxXXXX (fax)
Give them nothing! But take from them everything!Still, overall is not something that stands out.
Spartan King Leonidas