Monday, September 11

office physics 1 on 1

so ... given the following:

one hanging cat (on the left in the picture),
one hanging cat, but with the lower feet on a tilted plane (right of the picture)
hanging cats

I have a few questions:
1. what's the name of the cat on the right?
2. how much did the kid's ball cost?
3. who is the kid refered to in the previous question?
4. justify your answers.

[edit]... and a late addition:
5. If Anna is three years older than her twin brother, what's Anna's real age?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously you're a very productive young individual.

Looking at the picture, I can't help but think that the key to your questions lays in the abstract representation of an African elephant that seems to attract Ciopartica irresistibly.

Or maybe it's an Indian elephant.