Saturday, January 21

a shift in focus

disillusionment is a positive experience. it makes one grow; in the mental dimension, disillusionment is the equivalent of a wake-up call.

today a good friend of mine raised his voice on me, for something i considered a matter of etiquette (how does one spell etiquette anyway); then he stormed away.

i remained there passing through a range of states:

first was the 'being upset' part; the 'why did he do that' and 'i didn't deserve that' part; it took me close to five minute to shift focus within.

second, here is what i come up with, as a result of my shift in focus:
i don't have the power, nor the right to decide what you should be, do or have.

nor do i want them ( except for the moments when I do, but i'm not there now :) ).

it is your responsability to decide who you are and what image you may cast upon the mirrors around you; and the best part is that what you choose is not my concern at all.

that responsibility is to yourself (and to whom you want to see when you look in the mirror) not to me.

third, since after finding this out didn't bring my peace back, i looked further, and i found ... disappointment.

it seems to me that the hardest part of practicing seeing the best in the others is not deluding yourself.

thank heavens for disillusionment: it allows whoever is looking to see that others are whole not because they have no deffects, but inspite of them; thus, since defects - however one might see them - never 'chip' that perfection away, they are not defects at all.

the perfection never went away :)

in the end, disillusionment is good.

have a nice weekend.

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